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Claims Representation For:

-Fire Damage

-Business Loss


-Wind Damage

-Smoke Damage




Premiere Public Adjusters Group, Inc. is a full service public adjustment company. We are capable of representing an insured individual in the presentation of almost any type of loss that can occur to any type of property covered under an insurance policy.

The Facts

• Our fees are based on a percentage of your settlement. You pay only after a settlement is secured with your approval.

• Insurance companies operate for profit, so the less money they pay on claims the more money they make.

• Your insurance company is represented by individuals trained to pay as little as possible, you too have the right to be represented professionally to maximize your policy benefits.

• Free advice is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If you think you have a claim call us first for a no-cost consultation.

What is a Public Adjuster?
A Public Adjuster is a highly skilled, professional insurance expert with a vast knowledge of insurance policies, co-insurance, depreciation, building and personal property damage assessments, repair and replacement costs and negotiation.

What should I look for in a Public Adjuster?
You should look for the same qualities you would look for in any other professional, which includes experience and proven performance. Your Public Adjuster should be licensed and bonded. Your chosen Public Adjuster should also utilize its own staff of adjusters, appraisers and other professionals to assist him or her in maximizing the benefits you are entitled to receive after a claim. The Public Adjuster you choose should be aware of your needs and responsive to you concerns.

Who uses the services of Public Adjusters?
Individuals, businesses and professionals including banks, churches, restaurants, accountants, attorneys and even insurance adjusters and agents on their own losses utilize Public Adjusters. Once a client has experienced the benefits a Public Adjuster has to offer, it is rare that they will attempt to settle a claim without us afterwards.

Do I have to pay up front?
No. We are not paid until money is collected from the insurance company. In fact, we spend our own money and time documenting and resolving your claim before we are paid anything.

Am I assured a higher settlement if I use your services?
Usually, but not always. Generally, the more thorough and complete the claim investigation and evaluation, the higher the settlement will be. We meticulously inspect the loss site and document the damages. On severe losses where all or most of the contents are destroyed by fire, stolen or blown away, we will go over a variety of checklists with you to help recap, on a room by room basis, what was in or at the property at the time of the loss. Having a professional who is looking out for your best interests and who understands the "tricks of the trade" is invaluable. The insurance company representative is usually instructed to reduce the value of the claim and ignore portions of your claim unless you know how to present the claim in the way the insurance company will concede to or cannot challenge.

Will my loss be settled faster with the services of a Public Adjuster?
A good Public Adjuster knows exactly what to provide to the insurance company in order to expedite the settlement of your claim. Having our professional Public Adjusters handle your loss can save a great deal of your time and result in a faster presentation of you claim. With your cooperation, we will quickly have your claim filed and the settlement process underway. Unfortunately, insurance companies seem at times to be reluctant to provide timely claims payments. We can and will notify them of both your need the laws of the State of California to insure the fastest payment of the policy benefits.

How can a Public Adjuster better serve me over an insurance company adjuster?
The insurance company employs the insurance company adjuster and that’s where their loyalties are. In theory, insurance company adjusters must strike a balance between your interests and those of their company, unfortunately their employer’s interests tend to be considered first. A Public Adjuster works for their client's interests exclusively.

Will I be Cancelled or will my Rates go up if I use a Public Adjuster?
No, not for using a Public Adjuster. However, the mere filing of a claim may trigger a rate increase or render your insured property ineligible for coverage in the current company you are insured with. Most insurance companies have several companies under the main company name. In many cases you will be switched to another one of the sub companies after a claim is filed, usually resulting in a higher premium paid. Your rates will not be increased if you choose to be an informed claimant and seek individual representation. The California Department of Insurance has attempted to limit the unchecked system of what the Department calls “use it and lose it” practices of the insurance industry. The California Department of Insurance has been opposed by the powerful insurance company lobby and is still attempting to end this practice, but has had little influence on this insidious practice of insurers.

Why can't my insurance agent or broker handle my claim?
While most insurance company adjusters would like to be fair and at least start out as decent human beings, the fact is, no person can serve two masters. Just think about it, when did anyone you know, tell you they had a good experience with their insurance company claim adjuster. It is very easy and very common for even the most honest adjusters to underpay a claim by 50%.  (See OUR CLIENTS
for clear and indisputable proof.)  The reason is poor training (often intentionally poor training), too heavy of a workload, and a bureaucracy that is motivated by profit.   (See INDUSTRY NEWS for clear and indisputable proof.)  There are a few adjusters who seem to carry a grudge and have been known to slant the facts of a claim to deny a valid claim or reduce the payment for the claim to well below the fair value. Awareness of some of their "tricks" and methods is absolutely imperative to achieving a fair settlement.

It is our hope that this web site will provide the insured claimant with the type of information necessary to assist them in obtaining fair settlements, to lawyers who usually must face an adversary who is immensely more skilled and financially resourced than they are and to those dedicated Public Adjusters as they continue to attempt to “level the playing field” and to fight uphill battles for their clients.

While most insurance company adjusters would like to be fair and at lease stare out as decent human beings, the fact is, no person can serve two masters. Just think about it, when did anyone you know, tell you they had a good experience with their insurance company claim adjuster. It is very easy and very common for even the most honest adjusters to underpay a claim by 50%. The reason is poor training (often intentionally poor training), too heavy of a workload, and a bureaucracy that is motivated by profit. Regarding the few adjusters who will lie, cheat, and even frame someone for a crime they know was not committed, any thing to deny a valid claim or reduce the payment for the claim to well below the fair value. Awareness of some of their "tricks" and methods is absolutely imperative to achieving a fair settlement.

If we may help, even in a small way, to "even the odds" by exposing the "real world," we will consider our time, energy and money well spent in this endeavor and so will you.


Client Testimonials
To read what our satisfied customers have to say about Premiere Public Adjusters, please visit our testimonials section.

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